Lokaliserings-AI Der Faktisk Virker
AI's evne til at forstå kontekst giver bedre oversættelser. Derfor bruger oversætterne nu mere tid på at tjekke og forbedre oversættelserne for at sikre større præcision, mens lederne anvender AI til at automatisere hele processen.
AI gør oversættelser nøjagtige, og menneskelige kontroller hjælper med at gøre det endnu bedre.
Hver rettelse lærer AI, så over tid, får du det perfekte oversættelsesværktøj.
Crowdin sikrer, at alt fungerer problemfrit sammen.
Sprogmodeller (LLM) omdefinere oversættelseseffektiviteten ved at muliggøre 95% klar-til-udgivelse oversættelser i virkelighedens UI-lokaliseringsprojekter.
Få kontekstbevidste oversættelser. Ingen af MT-motorerne kan dette. Hos Crowdin kan du give kontekst på projekt-, fil-, nøgle-/streng- og oversættersessionsniveau. Desuden ser AI skærmbilleder med taggede strenge.
Brug Crowdin's AI til at finjustere modeller og skabe en personlig AI-oversætter til din virksomhed. Træn modellen baseret på dine ressourcer (ordlister, oversættelseshukommelser).
Mht. datasikkerhed foreslår Crowdin, at kunderne medbringer deres API-nøgler til sikring af datafortrolighed og ejerskab. Med API-nøglen vil man ikke være bundet til bestemt lokaliseringssoftware.
Crowdin AI is a suite of advanced AI tools integrated into the Crowdin platform to enhance the localization process. It offers features like AI-powered pre-translation, context harvesting, and in-editor AI assistance to improve translation accuracy and efficiency.
AI enhances translation quality by understanding and utilizing context. This leads to more accurate and culturally appropriate translations. AI also helps in automating straightforward translations, allowing human translators to focus on refining and ensuring the highest accuracy.
Crowdin integrates with leading AI providers such as OpenAI, Google Gemini, and Microsoft Azure. This ensures you have access to the most advanced and context-aware translation capabilities.
AI pre-translation is a feature that uses AI to automatically translate straightforward content. This speeds up the localization process and allows human translators to focus on more complex and nuanced translations.
To start using AI in Crowdin, simply navigate to the AI section in your profile. You can choose your preferred AI provider and set up pre-translation for your projects with just a few clicks.
Yes, Crowdin offers a free 14-day trial so you can experience the benefits of AI-enhanced localization before committing to a subscription.
Crowdin's in-editor AI assistant provides real-time translation suggestions and improvements, ensuring consistency and adherence to project guidelines. This boosts translator productivity and translation quality.
Feel free to contact our support team for any additional questions or to start your free trial today!